In the news

Universal Free School Meal Programs Gaining Momentum Across Country

Children need access to nutritious meals so they can learn, thrive, and grow. Unfortunately, this isn’t the reality for millions of families across the country.  The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated hunger and food insecurity while shining a spotlight on the inequalities in our food system – however, it also exemplified the power school meal programs have … Read more

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Spring 2021 School Food Service Leader Survey

The 2020-2021 school year was unprecedented. We are beyond impressed and inspired by the ability of schools across the nation to adapt and find creative solutions to problems never faced before. From day 1 of shelter-in-place orders and shutdowns, schools jumped into action serving millions of meals 100% free of cost to any child 18 … Read more

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CA is the first state to provide free school meals for all!

Today, California made history with a huge step towards increasing child nutrition access and ending child hunger. Governor Gavin Newsom signed in the new state budget today including funding for permanent free school meals for all K-12 students.  “Today… California! Tomorrow… the nation. Huge congratulations to the massive community of passionate advocates and leaders who … Read more

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Farm to Summer Celebration Week

This week, Eat REAL is celebrating the California Department of Education’s Farm to Summer Celebration Week! Farm to Summer is all about sourcing local foods and teaching kids about agriculture and nutrition. Thank you to all the Summer Food Service Program and Seamless Summer Option operators who facilitate this week of learning and healthful farm-fresh … Read more

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The Power of School & Summer Meal Programs

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated hunger and food insecurity across the country and shined a spotlight on the inequalities in our food system – it also expanded awareness around the power of our existing child feeding programs. With the help of USDA waivers, schools expanded their services to provide free meals to all students. Many … Read more

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