The Importance of School Meals
The school bell rings, students are heading to class. They should be bright, fresh, and ready to learn, but instead, many are having trouble staying focused and awake. Money’s been tight at home, and the fridge was empty this morning. For the third time this week, the day begins with an empty stomach. Child Hunger … Read more
Systemic Food System Changes Can Protect Our Children’s Health
Our children are eating more ultra-processed foods than most people realize, and the poor design of our food system is to blame.
The Eat REAL Model Works for Everyone
We learn many life skills in school over the 12 years spent there that prepare us for adult life. Outside of the standard subjects like Math, Science, History, English, we learn soft skills like social skills, problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking. However, our education rarely covers nutrition and fueling our bodies – even though students … Read more
Fight Climate Change with Sustainable Food Production
Global food production is intrinsically linked to climate change – both under threat from it and as a leading contributor.
Why Universal Free Meals at School is a Crucial Public Health and Social Justice Move for California and the Nation
Expanding Universal School Meals for All is a massive win for public health and social justice. California is now the first state to provide free meals to all public school students. The final state budget approved by Governor Newsom and passed by the state legislature this week will cover the costs of offering breakfast and … Read more