School Food Hero Spotlight: Brigaid Chef Stefanie leading the way in school cafeterias

School Food Hero Spotlight: Brigaid Chef Stefanie Brigaid is a community of professional chefs committed to using their culinary expertise to help food service directors achieve their goals. Our friends at Brigaid play a key role in enabling food service directors and their teams to create delicious, nutritious, and culturally relevant food for their students. … Read more

Eat Real Visits Our Mid-South Partners!

Eat Real Visits Our Mid-South Partners As we get into spring and celebrate new growth, we wanted to share an update on the work we’ve been doing to expand our award-winning certification program across the country. We recently introduced our Mid-South partners and we’re so excited to have kicked off our partnership with four school … Read more

Behind the scenes of our rebrand from IDEO

Behind the scenes of our rebrand from IDEO Those of you who have been following Eat Real for a while may have noticed a big shift this last October. New logo, new look, new website, new brand! It all stems from our partnership with world-renowned brand and product agency IDEO. The team there, led by … Read more

Eat Real featured on the Huberman Podcast with Dr. Robert Lustig

Eat Real featured on the Huberman Lab Podcast with Dr. Robert Lustig Dr. Robert Lustig was a featured guest in the Huberman Podcast, the #1 health podcast in the world in the categories of Science, Education, and Health. The episode highlights the role of sugar in gut health and metabolic disease in adults and children. … Read more