“Be kind. Be useful.” – President Obama. And other takeaways from Klick Health IDX Conference 2022
Leerom Segal, Klick Health Co-Founder, and Chairman + Former U.S. President Barack Obama Emily Fowler, Eat Real Champion Rich Levy, Klick Health Chief Creative Officer + Emily Fowler, Eat Real Champion The much anticipated return of #KlickIDX was an energized balance of cutting edge science & engaging human experience that culminated with an hour-long fireside … Read more

Eat Real at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health
This was a big week in Washington D.C. for creating nutrition security in America. The important convening of scientists, politicians, nutrition and health experts, chefs, and food industry innovators couldn’t be more timely – as inflation rises, the average price of a bag of groceries increases daily.

Human Biography: In Dialogue with Nora LaTorre
Eat REAL CEO Nora LaTorre sat with Sharad Kharé on the Human Biography Podcast to talk about Eat REAL, our work, and the deep systemic food system issues facing our nation today. The conversation focuses on Eat REAL’s role in expanding access to nutritious food through schools. In addition to the award-winning certification program and … Read more

Why We Support Increasing Regenerative Organic Practices
Regenerative Organic Agriculture is an approach to food and farming systems that focuses on soil health, conserving water, sequestering carbon, and promoting biodiversity. It overlaps with organic practices, which means no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, etc. Many different practices can be considered “regenerative,” and different soil types, geography, or climate may require other … Read more

The School Food Project at Boulder Valley School District Becomes First School to Receive Silver Certification
Eat REAL is proud to announce that Boulder Valley School District’s (BVSD) School Food Project in Boulder, Colorado, has again achieved Eat REAL Certification. BVSD is a model for school food service, nationally recognized as a trailblazer in school food programming.