In the news

Eat REAL Supports School Meals for All SB 364

***UPDATE 4/7/2021

The School Meals for All Bill 364 has passed with unanimous bipartisan support in the CA senate education committee! This is a big step towards creating a more healthful and equitable food system for all California children.

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Redesigning our Foodsystem

We talk about “redesigning a more equitable food system” a lot. It’s at the heart of Eat REAL’s mission and how we will accomplish our goal of increasing our kids’ health and creating a healthier planet. Our food system isn’t necessarily  “broken,” it works as it was built to. Unfortunately, it was built on a … Read more

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Free School Meals Lead to More Successful Students

Two new reports suggest that having regular and stable access to healthful food has a massive impact on a student’s performance in school and on tests. The findings underscore the link between food access and children’s ability to succeed long-term into adulthood and access opportunities to advance their economic standings. The first, a study from … Read more

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National School Breakfast Week

This week is National School Breakfast Week! We are celebrating the schools and programs dedicated to helping students begin their day nourished and ready to learn. National School Breakfast Week is celebrated in March of each year and brings recognition to a program so important to our children’s health. The National School Breakfast program has … Read more

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Hacking The Aging Clock: Longevity Starts in Childhood

A recap of the fascinating Donor Lightning Session, Hacking The Aging Clock: Longevity Starts in Childhood, that featured a presentation by Eat REAL’s Chief Pediatrician, Dr. Alan Greene, in conversation with Stephanie Erazo, CEO and Health Entrepreneur + Eat REAL Philanthropic Leadership Board Member.

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